Thursday, July 30, 2009

wow...i can't believe it's almost AUGUST!!

Where has the summer gone????  Can you believe it's almost August??  I'm sitting here looking at my hubby prepare for a new school year.  It seems like just yesterday we were weathering the ice storm and my belly was huge.  We were longing for summer to be here and to meet our little squirt.  Now, the summer is almost over and I can't imagine life without Baby Cal.  We have had absolutely the BEST summer ever.  We have spent so much time together.  Had tons of walks, tons of late nights, and really been blessed to have been able to have so much time to get used to our house of 3.  Drew and I have been able to watch our son grow from a 7 pound squirt to a 16 pd. chunk.  We are so in love with him.  We fight over who gets to go in a get him up to eat.  We both love how cute and snuggly he is when you pick him up...we both want to be the one who gets the first smile after a long nap.  Our friends (Annie and Eli) had a precious baby girl a few days ago...who will one day be my daughter in law:)  She is so cute.  We both couldn't believe how little she was.  I still think of Calvin as being a few days old.
He's 3 months old...that is so INSANE!!!!  He rolls over and smile and coos.  He has just started laughing.  I adore this age.  I love it more and more every day.  I love being a momma.  And I love watching Drew be a Daddy.  He is such a natural.  We have approached everything in our marriage as teamwork and parenting has been no different.  We have grown even closer and fallen more in love over these past 3 months.  There is no way I could do this without him.  I am so excited about our life together and one day meeting the rest of our babies:)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

whew...the hardest work of all time:)

Well...Baby Cal got his shots today.  Two shots one in each leg.  Daddy laughed...mommy picked him right up and tried to comfort him.  So weird that you take your healthy baby into the doctor and leave with screaming and fussy.  He has continued the fussiness:(  But he is snuggling with me..which little Calvin is usually very independent.  SO, I am enjoying that.  

I can't believe how our lives have changed these last 9 weeks.  We have gone from complaining and not being able to function on less than 9 hours of restful sleep to having a party and feeling like I could run a marathon on 5 hours of sleep.  Our conversations use to revolve around the latest happenings in the world now we talk about how many or how big Cal's last poopie was:)  We would pick up and go whenever we wanted now all the entertainment we need is laying on the Poppy smiling back at us.  Our nightly walks have become our "big" outing.  Our proudest moments the past few months have been the doctor saying good job or the lady at the grocery counter announcing how handsome he is.  Everything is different...I mean everything!  Some days I cry right along with Cal.  Some days I just hold him wishing he would stay this small forever.  Some days I cry out for him to be old enough to take care of himself.  It's a whirlwind.  It's stinkin hard.  It's the hardest thing I've ever tried to do.  We fail...we fail bad every single day.  We love it...we love him.  We rely on each other.  We rely on grace.  We rely totally on Jesus and when we begin to move from the cross our failures bring us right back.  Calvin, outside of Daddy and Jesus there is no one I love more.  I'll gladly give up everything we did before, every moment of silence, ever hour of precious sleep to have you in our lives.  We love our little man and he is teaching us SOO much.  I'm getting a little glimpse of what selfless love means.  He may need me to change his diaper, to get out of bed, to feed him, to comfort him, but I need him so much more.  Pray for this stay at home mommy.  Pray that I would enjoy every single moment of this stage.  That I won't wish it away.  Pray that I look more like Jesus through learning how to be a parent.  Pray that our marriage, our home, our hearts bring our King great glory.  

I'll have Drew post some pics of Cal Cal..he is getting so big...13 pounds, 24 inches.  He smiles so much.  He does the cutest things.  He makes himself known by cooing all the time.  He likes his bed and doesn't want to be held when he's tired.  We are starting to see his personality shine through...and if you know Drew and I well then pray for his stubborn little soul:)  We're going to have our work cut out for us.  I'm looking forward to the adventure.